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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vroom Vroom!

Today we woke up at the Timmerman's  in Dubuque to sunny skies once again.  Rose & Al had a lovely breakfast bar set up with hot coffee.

We started up the van with one crank!  A joyous sound!!

We have decided to name the van Mini Pearl.  As she is a smaller version of the big Pearl we used for the coast to coast trip.  Living out of the van has proved to be bit more challenging with all of the coolers, camping and biking gear.  But we are managing.

We would like to give a shout out to Lance from Games People Play for the Spam jerseys!  We have already had a gentlemen ask us where we got them.  I would also like to thank Corey at Games People Play for the Jerseys for the Mississippi Coasters.  We love the metallic ink!!!  They look sharp!  Jacob Kuddes a big thanks to you for the logo design!!!

Dave and I have found our rhythm as he will ride in the morning then I will ride and then he will finish out the day.  That gives his knees a little rest.   This gives me time to make sandwiches for lunch and restock the ice and fuel for the day.  Then while he and Terry are finishing the day I am looking for campsites so we are not homeless for the night.  However that has not been a problem as Terry's mom knows people from the Headwaters to New Orleans.  We are staying at another friend's place tomorrow night in Fort Madison.

The days ride was another day in Paradise.  We rode through the river valley climbing and descending through canopied cover roads.  Long sweeping curves rising and falling like soaring birds.   The views of the country side were like large quilts of green terraced into the landscape. It was a day of beauty for sure!

I have to say I am getting more confident in my descending as the first day I was sure I should have worn diapers.  Descending down into the valley at 33 mph. was a bit intimidating.  The grades today were less so not as bad or I am just getting more confident.  Terry and Dave on the other hand just let it fly!  I am the big chicken!!!

We ended the day in Davenport IA.and are staying at a Campsite right on the Mississippi.  It is a beautiful night and the campground is full of families and weekend campers.  We had brats & sauerkraut for dinner and some of Jan Fox's homemade cookies.  I can't believe we have some left.

This is a first for sure.  We have finished the blog before 10:00.  However I still have not showered or done the evenings dishes.  So on that note I will sign off!

Thanks to all who have sent a note or well wish!

Dave, Terry & Julie


  1. Terry,sorry I missed your call, left my phone in the car when I took my mother and my aunt for sat night mass than forgot about it. Anyway, call me in am before you start out or ill call you to make arrangements for use of our cabin sunday night, glad to make it available to all of you,,,Jim Delaney

  2. I can't wait for the next daily post and pictures. Keep it up. I'm soooo envious of your journey but this is the next best thing. Isn't it nice to have a lot of hosts along the way! A nice soft bed and a meal or two - got to be easier on you Julie. Each day I think back of our adventure two years ago. Today I'm remembering Deb's terrific dinner in New Ulm and saying goodbye to Dave. It sounds like you're into a good daily pattern that works for everyone. I'm sure you haven't found any downtime, Julie.
    Wishing you safe travels and gorgeous weather on your days ahead.

  3. Sounds like things are going well. Glad you and Dave can take turns riding. A beautiful day here as well. We were out on the cycle too. Motorcycle that is.............

    Donna and Roy
