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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Down by the riverside!

The morning started out with blue skies and sunshine.  We had a nice breakfast in the cabin with homemade coffee and eggs and bacon.  Being able to use a real kitchen was a treat.  We packed up and headed out from out nest on the hill.  We headed south along the river with winding roads.  Miles of lillies carpeted the rivers edge.  they stood tall showing off their blossoms.

Then they headed into more of a remote part of the countryside with no traffic to speak of.  They ran into some bridge construction so ended up in a small detour.  The detour was much hillier.  The detour proved to be beneficial as we needed a brake light fixed so I took the opportunity to stop and have it switched in a small berg while waiting for Dave and Terry.

Terry and I then headed into more farm country with some hills and more back roads.  No traffic to speak of which was nice.  There was some pretty strong head winds but we kept plodding along.  We stopped for a quick lunch in Quincy where we saw the sunken house boat.  There was a nice park with some shade and picnic benches. Today is the first day I started to really feel the heat.  It was pretty warm yesterday as it was around 90 degrees.

Terry and I were riding into some pretty strong headwinds and I could hear this whistling sound. I thought oh you have got to be kidding.  I am working my  #$#^$ off and he is whistling.  The sound got louder and louder and I finally realized it was the siren of a fire truck that is getting closer and closer.  Boy was I relieved.  Here I thought I was boring him.

Dave and Terry finished out the day while I found us a place to call home for the night.  It was right on the river but no trees for relieve from the sun.  Terry set up his screened in canopy and we put a tent cover over one side to block out the sun.  The sun went down and so did the breeze.  We soon felt the humidity get heavy in the night air.

There were few people in the campground but he had a very nice neighbor Randy who was staying there for  months working on a construction project.

The highlight of the evening for me was I didn't have to cook.  We went over the bridge into Louisiana Missouri to a Brand New Mexican place that had only been open for  couple of weeks.  The food was excellent.  I had fish tacos that were to die for.  Terry and Dave had excellent meals too. Then we headed back to camp where we climbed into our hot humid tents with the full moon shining in our tent windows so now one could sleep.  Not to mention the trains going by every half hour.  Needless to say we did not get much sleep.  The moon was beautiful tho!

That the news from Lake Wobegan!

Terry, Dave & Julie

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