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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Greetings from Palisade!

Day began with another glitch.!   Key stuck in the car top carrier and so we used some faithful old ratchet straps to hold down our garb.

Off we went to Winniebigosh to Start our day of riding.  Sunshine, perfect temps and no wind!   Dave and Terry started the day heading into Grand Rapids where we met friends of the Fox Family for pastries and juice.   What a gorgeous town it was.  Nice bike paths and clean old river city.

Dave and  Terry were then joined by a former Austinite who has only been in Grand Rapids for 4 months.  Del & Monica Hennessey.  Del met us on the course and rode into town with them and then treated us to fresh out of the oven cookies and cold watermelon.  Del  then led us back to our course and sent us on our way.

That is when Julie jumped in to do the last part of the day along the river.  We did have to ride on a gravel road for about 1 1/2 miles.  It was packed tightly so not a big problem.  the scenery for the day was pretty much country side for the whole day.

 We rode into Palisade about 4:00 this afternoon into an empty campsite right on the Mississippi River.  It was clean, quiet and charming.

 Terry met another young rider who came from San Francisco who went up the coast and came thru Montana,  South Dakota, into Mn and is heading east to the coast then south down to Florida.   So we aren't so crazy after all!!!

Quiet night in the city and we are heading off to bed!

Night to all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi all...this is Sherri Erickson (Golden Tress) to see photos! Looking forward to watching your journey! Give my sista Julie a big hug!
