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Friday, August 16, 2013

Charged Up & Ready to Climb

Ok another morning with a dead battery!  Crazy!   We got a fellow camper to give us jump and so we were back in business.

We started the day some pancakes which was a nice change from the cereal routine!  We then packed up and headed right for the auto parts store where we purchased a new battery.  We will see what the morning brings now.

Another day in paradise as far as the weather goes.  Cool morning air, sunshine and not much wind! Dave and Terry started the day and then I jumped in and then Dave& Terry brought it into Dubuque following a nice bike trail and landing in the middle of town only to find a festival in the streets.  Music,  food vendors and good people watching.

The days course was easy to support since we stayed on the Great River Road the whole day.  However it did prove to be quite challenging. Hill after Hill after Hill.  Long Steep Hills.   The grades from 6% to 10%.  and 1 1/2 to 2 miles long. There was a total of 15 or more climbs. The views from the top were worth it as you could see for 20 miles down the valley and along the river.

We stopped at the Oldest bar and restaurant in Balltown Iowa it opened in 1852.  It has burned down twice within 10 months of each other.  The new restaurant was really neat and the food was fabulous.

Tonight we are staying at another friend of Terry's mom's. Rose and Al Timmerman.  Their son David andhis wife Kim helped host the evening.  They were lovely hosts!  A dinner of lasagna and angel food cake with berries for desert.  YUM!!!  She had a linen table cloth and real silverware.  It was truly delightful.

We were then so delightfully entertained by Al with his player piano.  We even had a sing along.

Thankfully she invited us to use her laundry facility as we were in need of some clean clothes.

The day is now ending with the blog!

Hoping the morning brings us a van that starts.  Say your prayers tonight!

Mississippi Coasters!

Oh yeah did I mention we did a lot of climbing today?  Tomorrow will be more of the same.

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping today started with out a dead battery.Sounds like a fun evening with the Tinmmerman family. Lovely people for sure. Are these hills as bad as the mountains 2 years ago?
    May to day be good all of the way for you all. Happy travels.
