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Thursday, August 1, 2013

YMCA Mississippi Coasters Challenge

The YMCA is having a Mississippi Coasters challenge. Michele Kuddes from the Y is doing a great job of setting this up. Please give her a big thanks for all the work she is doing on this project.
 Thanks  Michele


  1. Way to go Michele !!!

  2. I just learned of the "Coasters" next big adventure. How exciting!!! I'll be following you along your route.

    Sally Cleland


  3. The departure date is not far off now.. Will be following each day..Take pictures like the last trip. So fun to see and follow along.

  4. We'll be following your adventure!! Exciting...
    Pat Geraghty /Janet Thomas

  5. Follow the map and blog in the lobby of the Y. Have a great trip!!! Can't wait for pictures and descriptions!

  6. Off and on your way..Be anxious to hear about Northland and the changes there. Sounds like a great first day for all. May eqach day be good and safe and fun..
