Today we woke up to another dead battery! So Tim ran to the hardware store for jumper cables and got us back up and running! We got off to another late start and a few more detours than we bargained for! We came into Hastings only to find the main part of the route was under road construction. There just happened to be a group of riders coming by so we asked them the best route. He suggested we take the Wisc. side so we aborted our original route and took the WI. side.
We met up with Steve Greenman in Hastings so it was fun to have a guest rider. He rode with us all day and he knew the terrain well.
I have to say we ran into some road construction on the WI. side also but it was a blessing. We had brand new virgin pavement just hours old, minimal traffic and no wind. Great day!!!
The day wound down with a few stops along the last part of the trip at the Pickle Factory and we ended at the Nelson Cheese Factory. Jan Fox and Cheryl Greenman joined us at Nelson. Great finish to the day!!
Tonight we spent the night at Steve Moe's house just south of Wabasha on the Prairie. You won't believe this but we could barely get to his house because of the road construction. We did finally get to house only to be served appetizers and cocktails. Then he took us on his boat down to Slippery's for dinner. If you don't remember, that is the restaurant you will see in the movie Grumpy Old Men. Dinner was Fabulous!
PS. Hey Andy just want you to know we got your message on the blog. Thanks for the shout out!!
Night to All! I need to get in the shower before I fall asleep!
Sounds like you all are doing great and enjoying the ride! Best if luck to you all!! Love you Dad!
ReplyDeleteSara Fox
Hey coasters, sounds like a fun day even though there was some more glitches! Thanks to the Moes for the hospitality! Hope Steve didn't knock anyone's two front teeth out? Haha Steve, had to throw that in!! Good luck coasters, keep pedaling!!
ReplyDeleteScott Fox
Hey Ter~ Hope everything is going well and the weather is cooperating..sorry we won't get a chance to peddle next to you this time around..keep ROCKIN that pavement and Good luck to all of you!!
Hi Poppee, Dave, Julie and Lilly the dog hope you are having fun on your trip following the Mississippi I wish I was there to bike with you guys I love you Poppee!
ReplyDeleteCal Fox