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Monday, August 26, 2013
Day 17 Pictures
Morning on Moon Lake (Lula MS )
Greetings from the Delta
Guess whats for lunch
This is what Milo looks like
A stop along the Great River Road
Two old war vets 95 year old WW II vet & his Vietnam vet son
Sorry for the rotten luck today Myluck at the casino was lousy also..Golf not to bad but 99 here in are all so awesome in my mind..What or where could you ever meet theses kind of people or experience the things you have,,Best wishes for a super good day tomorrow..Thoughts are with you .....NEF
Sorry for the rotten luck today Myluck at the casino was lousy also..Golf not to bad but 99 here in are all so awesome in my mind..What or where could you ever meet theses kind of people or experience the things you have,,Best wishes for a super good day tomorrow..Thoughts are with you .....NEF