Well today was another morning another glitch! This morning we woke up to a dead battery on the van. So we called 1-800-I M stuck. The guy came and saved the day so Terry and Dave went on their Merry Way!
Off they went in the morning air fresh legs and cheerios in their belly only to discover a 6.5 mile gravel road with road construction. We survived without a flat.
Today we rode by the best ribs place that was flaming hot. The bucket of bones in Ironton Mn. Terry and I both manned the grill. Ha!
Thinking of Judy Skogeboe today along the trail and hope she is doing well in her recovery. We wish you well!!! Hang in there Sam!!
We saw the beautiful Camp Ripley today with miles of stone fencing and well manicured veterans cemetery!
Lots of beautiful country side along the Mississippi and not to be outdone by the Best Lemonade stand along the route. We saw some kids sitting by their Lemonade stand and flagged us down. Terry pulled aside and ordered us up some big yellow cups of Lemonade. Sure Hit the Spot!!! Thanks kids write us a comment and give us your names. We'd loved to know your names!!!!
Arrived in St.Cloud about 5:30 and Terry met up with his friend Greg for a quick garden tour while Dave and I got us a room at a local hotel. Livin good tonight. We had a lovely dinner at Greg"s house and he even let us throw our stinky clothes in his new wash machine.
The first three days have been fabulous but I will say it is time to start bringing out the ointments. Butt is getting sore and lips are taking a beating from the sun. Cold Sores starting to flare up. Suntan lotion, vaseline etc....
Eyes are bobbing so we need to call it a day!
Okay enough glitches for a few days. Bless those little darlings with the lemonade stand.
May today be an uneventful day for all.
The Fox Mom
Hi Julie and boys!!!!!!!! I got your three supplies to the guys at Baudlers this morning. The secretary was a bit confused at first!!! Go figure. The carpets have shipped. Nice cool weather for your ride. What an experience. Some day Roy and I will take this same route in our camper!! Safe travels...
ReplyDeleteDonna and Roy
We are liking to follow the three of you. We hope you don't run into any of that flooding that is happening. Maybe it will be all gone by the time you get there. Anyway, have fun and be safe.
ReplyDeleteDonna's mom.