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Sunday, July 28, 2013


For those of you that joined us in New Ulm for Deb's FANTASTIC SUPER on the last Coast to Coasters trip  please look at her comment on the Time is getting closer post. She is going to feed us again. The only negative thing about it is that it is so good I eat so much that it takes me until noon the next day to get up to 10 miles per hour
 Thank you Deb!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Time is getting Closer

The date has been set. We will start peddling on Aug 10th. The blog site is starting to take shape so for those of you that will be following us the daily maps are on the site & you can click on any day & it is linked to Map My Ride so you can see the route for that day. I have also got a link to the old Coast To Coasters site for those who want to look at our old site. I still have a few more things to get done on the site yet so it will have a few more things later.